The Birding Cup is this weekend!

The Birding Cup, Shaver’s Creek’s annual fund-raising tournament is this weekend! From Friday, April 30, at 7:00 p.m., through Saturday, May 1, at 7:00 p.m., 18 teams of over 80 birders will compete to identify the most number of bird species in a twenty-four-hour period in the central Pennsylvania region.
Our goal for this year’s Birding Cup is to raise $12,000. Pledges may be made per identified bird species or in a single donation. Donors can also choose to support a specific team. For more information on the Cup, you can visit our website at:

To donate now, visit:, then choose “Give now online”. On step 2, choose “Shaver’s Creek” from the drop down menu, and under “Additional Information” enter “Birding Cup” and any specific team you would like to support.

If you would like to support a specific team, here is a list of teams with Shaver’s Creek staff on them:

Bad Optics (Laurie McLaughlin, Mark McLaughlin, Doug Wentzel)
Carpe Praeda (Jennifer Brackbill, Doug Steigerwalt)
J’allled Hear That Bird? (Shaver’s Creek Interns)
Nasal Bristles (Jon Kauffman, Matt Marsden, Lucy Richardson)
The Phantom Inspectors (Paul Brigman, Brian Sedgwick)
Red-rumped Irruptives (Joshua Potter)
Block Flock (Shaver’s Creek Student Society)

Thank you for your support!