In the summer of 2009, our friends at Penn State Dirt & Gravel Roads gave us a detailed improvement plan for our Point Trail. The trail was narrow, washed out in several locations, and treacherous, including a steep and root-lined section down to the point. Beginning August 20, 2009, volunteer groups from Penn State University, Juniata College and the local community worked on the trail improvements. Volunteers hauled gravel, dug ditches, built Rolling Grade Dips (RGDs) and trimmed brush. A little over a year later, on October 10, 2010, the last wheel barrow load of gravel was tamped into place. The improved trail is wider and lined with gravel. The RGDs are holding up very well, even with the recent rain storms that we have had. The numbers and pictures speak for themselves and I am very pleased with the hard work of the volunteers and I am extremely pleased with the final result. I encourage you all though to not just look at the pictures and take my word for it. Come out and walk the Point Trail for yourselves and let us know what you think.
On to the next!
How many people does it take to rebuild a trail?
19 Volunteer Groups
430 Volunteers
1370 Volunteer Work Hours