Meet the Creek
When: August 6, 2023, 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm
Where: Shaver's Creek Environmental Center, Petersburg, PA
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Do you know what amphibians do during the summer? Experience amphibians at Shaver’s Creek to learn how our slimy-skinned friends fare during the hot days of summer. Participants will learn to identify common amphibians found in Central PA, explore the amphibian life cycle and stages of life, and create their own origami jumping frogs. We’ll also spend some time exploring amphibian habitat around Shaver’s Creek.
We will meet in our Silvi Classroom, located in the Visitor Center, but be sure to dress for the weather because we will try to be outside for a portion of the event, weather permitting.
Can’t make it out to one of the events? The activities will be available at our Visitor Center following each week’s experience!