The New Shaver’s Creek Website is Here!

If you follow our Shaver’s Creek Facebook page, you may have noticed some weird and frequent posts from us earlier today. We’ve been working hard over the past several months to overhaul our website, and today we’re very excited to announce the launch of the new and improved! (The extra Facebook posts you may have seen from us were due to some fine-tuning of the site’s connection to Facebook this morning.)

As a hub for visitors to get information and communicate with us here at the Creek, we think it’s important to maintain a website that is intuitive and user-friendly—whether you’re checking the date for the Music Festival or applying for an internship.

We’ve written over one hundred pages of content, uploaded new photos, and added interactive elements like Bird Biographies, Long-Term Ecological Reflections, a calendar of Public Programs, and a directory of Multimedia & Videos.

A patch of Canada mayflower leaves is early spring.

Another advantage of our new site is that our blog can now live together with our website in one place! We’ve renamed the blog The Naturalist Notebook, and it’s new address is Now that our blog is integrated with the rest of the site, we won’t be adding new entries to our Posterous blog—but it will continue to live on for now as an archive. All of the old posts from there have been transferred here as well.

We will continue to share new blog posts to our Facebook page and Twitter feed, and the Photo-a-Day will remain at its regular address of

Please let us know if you come across anything that isn’t working, is confusing, or is hard to find as you navigate around the new website. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do, and find it helpful and easy to use!